
Hi! I'm Al Khan.

Using Anki for better programming: Card examples and some tips

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

Yep, the programming deck you're looking for probably doesn't exist... (or should I say 404 not found???)

But it's not the end of the world, because not only are programming cards easy to make — you also only need just a few of them.

I'm saying there's no need to create cards for every damn function!

If you're constantly forgetting how arrays work because you keep on jumping from language to language, why not create a card that asks you about it?

Like this:

Still confused? Follow the rule of redundancy:

Trying to make something repetitive that doesn't involve just a single piece of code?


Make a card that asks you just the main idea for creating that "something repetitive" — you can reconstruct the code yourself, after all.

"But Al, I really need to remember the functions..."

You know what? You don't need to just remember the functions — you wanna be able to use them.

So, better to create a card that asks you to at least apply that function in a simple way:

Sometimes you could be a little bit more hard on yourself — but not too hard:

So, basically...

You make cards specifically based on how you plan on recalling the information, or in what context.

It's impossible to know for sure, but at least have an idea on how you're going to use them in the future.

And of course, it should be noted that everything here relies on the fact that you are actually doing programming.

I hope these examples help! They're from my own deck :)

To smarter studying,
Al Khan

Hi! I'm Al Khan.

Helping serious learners build their dream careers using a "3-step study workflow". If you're a serious learner yourself, this newsletter will help you become a top-performing student and get into your dream job while having loads of fun studying :)

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